PAS transition from 2017 to 2019

As part of the Green Homes Grant scheme, it was announced that the transitions from PAS 2030:2017 to PAS 2030:2019 was being extended to June 30th, 2021. This was to allow as many installers as possible to take advantage of the scheme without having to obtain Retrofit roles in house, or develop subcontract relationships for them.
Initially meant to be happening in March, the transition period allows new entrants to PAS certification to obtain PAS 2030:2017 approval for an interim period, as long as they ensure they are ready to obtain 2019 certification from the end of June. The main difference between the two being, of course, the requirement for the Retrofit roles: Retrofit Coordinator, Assessor, Designer, Evaluator and Advisor. These are a requirement for projects under PAS 2030:2019 / PAS 2035, but not under 2017. The idea to extend the transition has given many installers a little breathing room with the advancement of the Green Homes Grant scheme to be able to become an approved installer under the scheme, without having to implement these roles immediately. Before starting the process, you should check with your Certification Body to see if they’re taking advantage of this transition period, or if they’re only offering PAS 2030:2019 certification from the beginning. Many Certification Bodies were only offering certification to PAS 2030:2019 from as far back as August 2020, so they may not have decided to offer this, but it is always worth checking to see if you can get your foot in the door.
Just be aware that no matter what you do for your certification now, by July 1st 2021 you’ll need to have everything in place for 2019, including having Retrofit roles either in house or subcontracted on each PAS project you undertake.